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본문 제목

Tel Yodfat, 욧바 (Jotapata, moshav)


by baesungsoo 2014. 5. 1. 12:46


Tel Yodfat           (출처-http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65211806)

Ancient Yodfat (Jotapata), situated to the south east of the modern moshav, is mentioned in the Mishna as a fortified Jewish Village dating from the time of Joshua, corresponding with the Iron Age.  It has also been linked to [Ia]-at-bi-te of the Assyrian Annals or Jotbah mentioned in the Bible (2 Kings 21:19)  Archaeological exploration of the site, however, have thus far revealed a modest village established some time during the Hellenistic period, between the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. As the Hasmonean kings extended their influence into the Galilee during the last decades of the 2nd century BCE, a change of population occurred at Yodfat and the village was populated by Jews.

욧바(Yodfat)는 강이 많은 이라는 의미이다. 유대 왕 아몬의 모친 므술레멧의 고향이다. 로마 시대의 요다바다와 동일지이다. 제1차 유대 전쟁(66-70)에는 로마에 대적하여 요해를 방비하였다. 나사렛의 북쪽 14km 지점의 길벳 예파드와 동일시된다.

"아몬이 왕이 될 때에 나이가 이십이 세라 예루살렘에서 이 년간 다스리니라 그의 어머니의 이름은 므술레멧이요 욧바 하루스의 딸이더라.(왕하21:19)"


Tel Yodfat                  (출처-http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65211768)


Tel Yodfat                  (출처-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Almog_IL5_Yodfat.jpg)


Tel Yodfat memorial plate 2012                     (출처-http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65211957 )


Tel Yodfat memorial plate 2012                     (출처- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yodfat_memory_stone_2012.jpg)


Tel Yodfat  caves                 (출처- http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65212389)


Tel Yodfat  caves                    (출처- http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65212513)


Tel Yodfat caves                     (출처-http://www.panoramio.com/photo/65212648 )


Moshavyodfat            (출처- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moshavyodfat.jpg)

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