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마야 비의 신 틀락록(Tloloc)


by baesungsoo 2014. 6. 21. 09:00


Fragments of a brazier depicting Tlaloc from Stage IVB of the Templo Mayor in Mexico City



Tlaloc (Tlá-loch) was the Aztec rain god and one of the most ancient and widespread deities of all Mesoamerica. Tlaloc was thought to live on the top of the mountains, especially the ones always covered by clouds; and from there he sent the vivifying rains. The rain god was a pan-Mesoamerican god, whose origins can be traced back to Teotihuacan and the Olmec. The rain god was called Chaac by the ancient Maya and Cocijo by the Zapotec of Oaxaca.

비의 신 틀랄록은 눈가리개로 얼굴을 가리고 있는데, 대개 손에 옥수수 줄기를 잡고 있고, 옥수수 이삭으로 가득 찬 등짐을 지고 있다.


Tlaloc     (출처-http://www.ancient.eu.com/image/1402/)


Tlaloc     (출처-http://www.windows2universe.org/mythology/tlaloc_rain.html)


Tlaloc     (출처-http://goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.kr/2009/02/tlaloc.html)  


Tlaloc, as shown in the late 16th century Codex Ríos.      (출처-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlaloc)


Tlaloc, Collection E. Eug. Goupil, 17th century     (출처-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlaloc)


Five Tlaloquê depicted in the Codex Borgia             (출처-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlaloc)

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