악타마르교회 (The Church of the Holy Cross on Akdamar Island, Akhtamar Surb Khach, in Turkey)
2014.01.10 by baesungsoo
레바논 비블로스(Byblos, Lebanon)
2014.01.10 by baesungsoo
모세의 샘 (Moses's Well /Petra/Wadi Mousa, Jordan)
2014.01.10 by baesungsoo
얍복강(Jabbok River, Nahr ez-Zerqa. River, Jordan)
2014.01.10 by baesungsoo
생 제르맹 데 프레 성당 (Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris)
2014.01.09 by baesungsoo
아론의 무덤 (Tomb of Aaron, Mount Hor(Harun), Aaron's Mountain in Jordan)
2014.01.09 by baesungsoo
로카마두르 노트르담성당 (Basilique Notre-Dame de Rocamadour)
2014.01.09 by baesungsoo
예수님 세례터 (Church of the Baptism of Jesus Christ , The Church Of John The Baptist, Wadi Kharrar)
2014.01.08 by baesungsoo