케프리 (출처-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khepri)
케프리는 쇠똥구리 모양으로 재생과 태양을 관장하는 신성한 벌레이다. 태양신으로 아침에는 케프리, 낮에는 라, 저녁에는 아툼이라고 불렀다. 4번째 재앙인 파리의 재앙과 관계된 남성신이다. 4번째 재앙과 관계된 HATKOK(하트콕, 파리 모양 신))도 이에 속한다.
Khepri is often represented as a scarab holding aloft the morning sun, or a scarab-headed man
Khepri (Egyptian: ḫprj, also transliterated Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri) is a god in ancient Egyptian religion who represents the rising or morning sun. By extension, he can also represent creation and the renewal of life.
There was no cult devoted to Khepri, and he was largely subordinate to the greater sun god Ra. Often, Khepri and another solar deity, Atum, were seen as aspects of Ra: Khepri was the morning sun, Ra was the midday sun, and Atum was the sun in the evening
아몬(Amon, Amun, Amun-Ra, Amen) (0) | 2014.01.27 |
아텐(Aten) (0) | 2014.01.20 |
네페르툼, 임호텝(Nefertum, Nefertem, Imhotep) (0) | 2014.01.20 |
라, 레(Ra (Re) the Sun God ) (0) | 2014.01.05 |
소백(Sobek, Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki) (0) | 2013.12.27 |