체코 쿠트나 호라 해골 성당(Kostel Všech svatých, Kutná Hora)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
고린도 바울기념교회(The Church of Saint Paul at Ancient Corinth, Greece)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
암비볼리(Amphipolis, Greece)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
베뢰아, 사도바울 설교 터(St.Paul preaching in Beroia, Veria (Ber), Greece)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
아볼로니아(St. Paul's speech place, Apollonia, Greece)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
빌립보 감옥 (Prison of Apostle Paul, The early Christian Basilica , Philippi)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
빌립보 루디아 기념교회(Church of Lydia of Thyatira, Philippi)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo
네압볼리 바울도착기념교회(Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church, Neapolis(avala) Greece)
2013.08.02 by baesungsoo