나타라지(Nataraj, Nataraja, Shiva as the Lord of Dance)
2014.01.10 by baesungsoo
제우스(Zeus) 쥬피터(Jupiter)
2014.01.06 by baesungsoo
라, 레(Ra (Re) the Sun God )
2014.01.05 by baesungsoo
소백(Sobek, Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki)
2013.12.27 by baesungsoo
2013.11.23 by baesungsoo
티그리스강의 신 (River-God of Tigris, Euphrates )
2013.09.14 by baesungsoo
하피 (Hapy, Hapi, 나일강 신)
2013.09.14 by baesungsoo
멜카르트, 멜카스 (Melqart, Melkart, Melkarth) , 두로의 주신
2013.06.25 by baesungsoo